Hyundai Nkia want to combine battery charges with the buildings of a large car buildings Efficiency.
In the Fulfillment of the Patent published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) of the battery package. This will better use the available space, To allow multiple modules To take, motorists are arguing.
Hyundai and Kia Case floor floor patent image
This will be very close Mix the battery package In a car structure, several parts of them will attach to the floor panel and act as a high-battery panel. This includes third party members and members who fall into members, and others who are included by the floor panel through extrusion design.
The battery modules will be installed Under the floorVoids may not live in Crossembers, with front and background obstacles protecting the package and combined with side Sills, car makers say in the fulfillment.
Hyundai and Kia Case floor floor patent image
Some companies take a look at the formal battery packets. Tesla is defined Its construction on its 2020-battery day, during a 10% weight loss, caused by 14% of a few cells, and several battery compartments included by a battery honey against the honey against the floor of the car. Startup Canoo made organized batteries part of its unique scope of Skateboard, but keep modules while seeking 90 weight loss.
Last year, Chinese Startaup and Auto Auto said work on battery protrover catl packets and combine cells directly with a car chassis, taking one tech call-to-pack tech. Besides, researchers also look at using body panels such as batteries, although various battery battery concepts may approach the production.