EVS reported | Cambridge Gan Devices lift $ 32 Million to raise power production production

Cambridge GAN Devices (CGD), exiting of spinut from Cambridge University in the UK, protecting $ 32 million in Series C Funds in UK, North America, Taiwan, and Europe.

The investment is led by an infinite investor and included the participation of the African virgins and the Parkelk investors, BGF, Cambridge Innovation (CIC) capital, the capital of the party and IQ.

The company is upgrading strong semiconductures using Callum Nitride (GAN) of electric vehicles and data institutions. Gallium Nitride devices provide speeding speed, low power consumption and more projects than the Lican nutrition devices.

CGD means its monolithic ICegan technology, facilitating gan's existing and ongoing projects, submitting more effective levels of 99%, which enables us to save up to 50% of the highest energy test.

The company has worked on the French community study and the training of Eouvelles EnergyLos (IFPEN) to develop the ICEGAN 650 V Gallium Nelverivel qualification

“This cycle of financing guarantees our technology and looking at an electronic electrical industry on effective gan solutions and make electronic energy. We are now ready to work with our motor investor.”

Source: Cambridge Gan Devices

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