US-based Automated Test Test Test Termadyne has entered the strategic partnership with semiconductor Metala Acterner Technologies to acceling the test of the semiconductors.
As part of the relationship, Teradyne will find part of the Infinen Assessment Group in Regenenburg, Germany. This will allow Teradyne to speed up its progress in the semiconductor's part while working with new solutions. Infinen will protect continuous production support and developed variables to answer internal need, and will benefit from Teradyne's economy.
“To unite our experiatious affiliates will help to speed up innovative programs and face powerful testing challenges in new technology such as silicon carbide and customers,” said Provent's supervision, in the Infineni Deputy.
“Collaboration with Teradyne, we develop semiConductor assessment skills,” said Alexander Gorski, president of the high Deputy Deputy, President of Provenive, Infinen's President. “Consolidating our experienced nativeadyne staff will assist you to speed up innovative tests in new technology such as silicon carbide and the necessary centers.
Source: Teradyne